ORA File Formats

Database Formats or Raster Image Formats

An ORA file, depending on under what software it was created, can be one of two similar extensions on the outside, but completely different on the inside.

The first type is the Oracle Database Configuration File used by Oracle Database.

The second type is the OpenRaster Image File containing binary data of a raster drawing.

Oracle Database Configuration File

ORA Database File Format

Database File Format

.ora (Oracle Database Configuration File)

Convert ora to sql

Convert ora to db

Convert ora to html

This ORA file extension represents a text file generally found in the Oracle Database folders. This file describes system-wide defaults and is used to store and tune database configuration parametres. However the data stored in ORA files is usually considered optional because of Oracle Database already containing all required default values.

Typical ORA files names are init.ora (initialization parametres) and tnsnames.ora. While it’s a frequent question where to find them, those files are conveniently located in the ORACLE_HOME\network\admin directory.

How to open ORA file

ORA files can be opened and edited in Oracle Database or SQL*Plus under Windows and Linux operational systems. Most Oracle Database software is free so there is no need to search for alternative ORA viewers. In fact, if there is an ORA file found on the computer then most probably Oracle Database is already installed within its system.

There is also a second option for those files found separately from its native software. Since ORA files are simple text files there should be no problem in opening those files in a text redactor like Notepad that is usually pre-installed on every computer using Windows OC.

How to convert ORA file

Actually, there is no special need to convert ORA file since those files are only being used by Oracle Database software. Technically though ORA files can be converted to any other text-based formats like HTML, PDF simply by copying text from ORA file to a new, for example, TXT file.

OpenRaster Image File

ORA Image File Format

Raster Image Format

.ora (OpenRaster Image File)

Convert ora to jpg

Convert ora to png

Convert ora to svg

OpenRaster is a universal file format introduced in 2006 by Krita and KDE developers to replace Adobe PSD format after Adobe license restricted cross-application of the PSD file format. This file format is still a work in progress due to the challenges created by this format’s purpose.

The ORA file format is similar to Open Document: it contains a zip file with an xml document describing the layer structure, PNG image for each raster layer and an SVG image for every vector layer. This file extension supports all sorts of work with its layers, blending and text.

How to open and edit ORA file

Since OpenRaster file format policy is accessibility to everyone and has cross-application support, ORA files can be opened and edited in free software like Krita, Gimp, MyPaint, Pinta and Scribus. It should be mentioned that older versions of Scribus and Pinta do not support ORA format.

The disadvantage of this file format is that a limited number of graphic programs recognizing it, while being a common choice for artists and designers, in this case Photoshop, Corel Draw and Inkscape are out of the question.

The other problem with ORA files is them being unrecognizable by most file extractors. ORA files are technically archives which makes them allow user to peek inside the archive and pluck one layer in PNG of SVG out of it if they want to. Unfortunately, this option is only available if there is 7-Zip file extractor installed on the computer.

How to Convert ORA files to other formats

ORA files are a little bit tricky to convert. To convert ORA file to SVG, JPEG or PNG format the user should do this within the software they are working with by exporting ORA to PNG, JPEG files, etc. By exporting ORA files to any other format there’s a risk of losing quality, editability and flatten the image so converting ORA files is not recommended.

However if the quality of the image is not crucial there are free converters found online and downloadable. Most converters do recognize the ORA format.

It’s worth mentioning that separate image layers can be extracted from the ORA file archive without conversion since every layer is stored inside the archive in PNG or SVG format.