RTF to SVG Conversion

What is format RTF?

What is format SVG?

Convert RTF to SVG

Conversion RTF to another format

Conversion of RTF text to SVG is an extension of RTF to XML converter features, capable of describing 2d-vector graphics (both static and animated). Whereas XML format supports images through the use of external linked files only, SVG allows describing scalable graphics with simple scripts, what provides a huge interest for RTF to SVG converters.

You may want to convert RTF text to SVG format for different reasons. Since RTF is frequently used for exchanging documents between different word-processing applications, RTF-SVG conversion can be applied to prepare documents for web publishing. Correct support for SVG is a primary direction of development of today's web browsers. It promises to be a new standard for exchanging online and offline data, and this makes the question of converting RTF text to SVG especially topical.

SVG is an extension of XML language and allows using user-defined tags. It is searchable, consists of relatively human-readable text and supports Unicode through special character sequences. This similarity to RTF eases correct importing of RTF text to SVG format.

Below is an overview of RTF-SVG conversion features:

  • Transferring of RTF text to SVG preserves the original text appearance: font, size, color, style, paragraph alignment, line spacing, and other parameters.
  • Embedded bitmap images are transferred from RTF to SVG as an external linked file, whereas vector graphics is described with an internal SVG language.
  • Page formatting is imported from RTF text to SVG without changes, however page splitting is similar to the way RTF to HTML converter works: you may choose to create a new page for each original page or at page breaks only.
  • RTF-SVG conversion accurately reproduces such objects as lists, columns, tables, tabs, etc.
  • All links and hyperlinks are imported from RTF text to SVG without any alterations.

A notable feature of RTF text to PCL conversion is lack of need in third-party applications, such as MS Word or SVG-capable web browsers.

Follow the links to learn about RTF to PDF converters, how to convert Word to PNG, or how converter to MIF works.