OGG file

Audio Formats


OGG File Format

Convert ogg to mp3

Convert ogg to mp4

Convert ogg to avi

Convert ogg to wav

Convert ogg to midi

Convert ogg to gif

The OGG format is one of the most promising and, in particular, is a worthy competitor to the popular MP3. It was developed by the non-profit organization Xiph.Org Foundation and entered the market in 2002. Like its better known colleague, OGG file compresses lossy audio (discards some of the data that it considers unimportant), but it provides a high degree of compression and convenience about storing music collections. As for the sound quality, the Ogg format is superior to MP3 format in this parameter (with the same bitrate). Thanks to the development, OGG music with good quality (and occupying little space) becomes more accessible to users, because this format was specially designed as an alternative to paid audio formats.

Nowadays audio files with the Ogg extension are surely second in terms of prevalence in file-sharing networks. Such popular software players like Winamp, AIMP, VLC, XMMS are suitable for listening to records (they work on various platforms, including Android). The iTunes player supports the Ogg format optionally: to play audio files with this extension, you need to install the XiphQT codec (this is a plugin for QuickTime, but iTunes can also use it).

Of course, not all audio devices support this format, so there is a chance that there will not be a suitable player on your device. In this case, it is easier to convert the Ogg file to mp3 than to puzzle over the installation of the necessary software.