RTF to MIF Conversion

What is format RTF?

What is format MIF?

Convert RTF to MIF

Conversion RTF to another format

Convert RTF to MIF if you want to store your technical documents in FrameMaker-compatible MIF format. If you compare RTF to MIF you may find them similar: both formats are platform-independent and have quite flexible language syntax. The same appearance on all platforms allows copying all contents and layout from RTF to MIF file, preventing possible troubles with fonts, styles, etc.

Whereas RTF format allows exchanging documents between different word processing software, MIF was designed to exchange data between FrameMaker and other applications. It supports the whole range of data including text, bitmap and vector images and formatting. Therefore, RTF-MIF conversion allows importing any document into FrameMaker intact.

Similar to RTF, MIF format allows encoding Unicode characters through special character sequences. This allows lossless transferring of any written human language from RTF to MIF. Besides that, MIF files are searchable and indexable: the original table of contents can be imported from RTF to MIF without any changes, containing all internal hyperlinks.

Images are imported from RTF to MIF in two ways: there are internal means to describe vector graphics with certain scripts, whereas raster images can be saved either as internal or external files.

Here is a full list of RTF-MIF conversion features:

  • RTF to MIF conversion preserves the original text appearance: fonts, colors, styles, sizes, paragraphs, line spacing parameters, etc
  • Page formatting is imported from RTF to MIF completely and without exclusions:
  • Embedded vector graphics is transferred from RTF to MIF with the help of internal MIF language, for embedded bitmap images external (linked) files are created.
  • Conversion of RTF to MIF supports importing all internal and external links and hyperlinks.
  • Such objects as lists, columns, tables, tabs are imported from RTF to MIF preserving the exact original appearance.

Most RTF to MIF converters perform the operation independently from any external software such as Microsoft Word or Adobe FrameWork.

Read about RTF to TEXT conversion, how RTF to TIFF converter works, or how to convert to PS.