RTF to TIFF conversion is an effective way to store your documents in a lossless bitmap format. TIFF is more convenient than any other graphical format, because it allows storing the several pages of data in a single file.

There are several different reasons why you may want to convert RTF to TIFF. Storing your documents as an image guarantees similar appearance on whatever platform. If you convert RTF-TIF, you will easily make your documents change-protected. Unlike many other formats (e.g. JPEG format), TIFF uses lossless compression and can be edited and saved without a compression loss.

Originally created as a grayscale format for desktop scanners, today TIFF format supports the widest range of color depth, what allows transforming colored objects from RTF to TIFF image without modifications. It is famous for allowing specifying special "tags" in the header and capability of handling multiple images in a single file.

Since TIFF is a graphical format, it is independent from character tables and allows transferring Unicode symbols when you convert RTF-TIFF. It doesn't support any transparency options, and therefore RTF to TIFF conversion provides only the original appearance, without specific characteristics.

In conclusion, we can list all RTF to TIFF conversion features:

  • RTF to TIFF conversion preserves the original appearance of all text: its font, size, color, style, line spacing, alignment, etc.
  • TIFF can handle several pages in one file, what makes conversion of RTF file to TIFF more convenient than to other graphical formats.
  • Files converted from RTF to TIFF format preserve all page and section brakes, sizing, backgrounds, and other appearance characteristics.
  • All embedded images are transferred from RTF to TIFF precisely, without any losses in color or appearance.
  • RTF to TIFF conversion doesn't support reproduction of such document objects as links and hyperlinks.

An important feature of RTF to TIFF conversion is that it is done standalone, without requiring Microsoft Word or graphics-editing software.

See also: RTF convert to HTML, how to convert RTF to PDF.